AT&T sent out notices to existing customers of AT&T's standalone business unlimited tablet plan that the price would be increasing by $10/month from $20 to $30, effective February 15th, 2023.
The affected plans are legacy "Access for iPad" and "Access for Tablet" plans as well as the current standalone version of the plan. Here is one notice sent out to customers:

Unlimited tablet plans that are not standalone - in other words, tablet lines added to a business smartphone plan, are not affected by the price change and remain at $20/month.
Additionally, the consumer postpaid versions of the plan also remain at $20/month.
At least for now.
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Key Mobile Internet Related Considerations:
- The AT&T Standalone Business Unlimited Tablet Plan - and legacy versions - are increasing in price from $20 to $30/month.
- The standalone consumer version and business unlimited tablet lines added to a smartphone account are not affected.
Related Content at the Mobile Internet Resource Center:
- Guide: Top Pick Plans
- Gear: AT&T Business Plans
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