The news is spreading and Verizon has confirmed, starting tomorrow More Everything plans will be having some pricing changes.
Most of the new pricing will reflect a $10/month discount of some of the popular data levels of 20GB and under, an increase to the 10GB plan (which was a holiday promotion) and adding in some new levels to give consumers more choices.
So what are the changes?

In addition to the data buckets changing, Verizon will be extending the Edge Discount to lower tiers. Previously, to get the $15/month per line charge (instead of $40/month for subsidized devices under contract), you had to have a 10GB or higher plan. Now the discount will apply to any plan 6GB or higher for customers using the Edge financing program.
In addition to some discounts, Verizon will be adding in new data tiers of 6GB, 8GB, 12GB, 14GB and 16GB.
The new pricing will apply to new and existing customers, however existing customer will need to log on to their MyVerizon account and request the pricing change. It should be a simple process of selecting the new plan, and will not have any effects on existing contracts that might be in place.
Obviously however, if you're getting the special $80/month 10GB holiday pricing, you'll not want to change your pricing. However, if you'd like to snag the $80/month deal, get it today before the new pricing does into effect.
We have updated our Comparison: Cellular Carrier Data Pricing & Plan Guide to reflect the new pricing.